fredag den 17. juni 2011

The Atlantic, day 20

Distance: 124nm

Great 24 hour distance. New record!

Woke up at 10:30... Earplugs, eyecover, and a 2 to 6am night shift had made me sleep through three kids waking up ect.

10:07, 11:07 and at the moment 12:07 is a very important time. This is where we measure how far we have sailed the last 24 hours. Everyone make a guess, and hope for something above 100
Today (Meaning from lunchtime yesterday until lunch today) the number was 103. Only with sails, Great!

The first twelve hours today, we have done 5+ knots, so the good result in distance is thanks to lots of good wind for sailing.

We create a little garbage onboard. Glass, metal and paper (without plastic cover) is thrown overboard.
The picture is 20 days of garbage (mostly plastic), including the black bucket.

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