fredag den 17. juni 2011

The Atlantic, day 16

Distance: 97nm

When I was a little boy I loved playing in the garden in rainy weather. I collected rainwater and dug canals.
This morning I had the 8 to 10 steering shift. It rained all the time, so I was alone in the cockpit. The ship was behaving great in the wind/ waves, so I had time to collect water from the sail.

Back in the dry saloon Lea made popcorn. So now I'm watching the next steerman in line, Tonny, in the rain. He's wearing super quality rainwear, so we're not sorry for him...

Which weekday is it today?
I had no clue, so asked the crew... No one knew, and what difference does it make. It's Wednesday, but who gives a s...

The Azores is 8 days away now as long as we do 100nm per day.

In the evening Bjarke made his own homemade Soduko. Pretty cool.

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