søndag den 31. marts 2013


Anchoring outside an area with lots of dive resorts.
Malapasqua is surrounded by dive spots, so we know what to do.
Cause of Easter holiday there's live music and a lot of dive tourist.

So we have also been going out, and have played a lot of pool.

Tomorrow, 4 of the crew are leaving really early in the morning. They are hoping to see Thresher shark. Going with a local company.
I'm staying on Amazing. I'm fine with a dive or two a day, and have already seen heaps.

We're leaving Malapasqua after their dive.

torsdag den 28. marts 2013

14 metres!

New anchor spot.
Great day sailing.
Best thing. I managed to free dive down to 14 metres. :-)
My left ear hurt a bit, but that's fine again.
Tomorrow we're diving again....

Played poker all night, and Peter won. Bugger!

onsdag den 27. marts 2013

Problematic sailing

Yesterday Lars arrived.
Today was his first day of sailing. Left Cebu at around 11am.

The wind was not right, so we had to sail with engine.

The waves was getting a little big, and we were heading towards them, meaning hitting some of the waves hard, throwing water on the deck.

After one hour rough sailing the engine stopped.
Chito discovered a lot of water in the filter. He worked hard fixing it. I was trying to help.
He was pouring diesel into the kitchen sink.
Then the sink got flooded, and skipper had to fix it. A flooded sink with diesel...
The engine was still not working, but Chito was close to fix it, we thought.

Finally the filter/tank was free of water, and we could try to start the engine.
After a few tries Chito called out "shit"...
He was holding half a key in his hand. The rest was still in the lock.
Luckily Chito is a handyman, and after a while he got half a key out of the keyhole, and skipper found an extra key.
The engine started, and we could move on.
Skipper new a nearby place, Carmen bay. A little harbor.
Went there and found a great bar with owned by a funny American man.
He gave us a bottle of rum on the house, and we had a good afternoon there.
Sophia and Signe went back to the ship, and cooked a great dinner using the giant fruit Jackfruit.

mandag den 25. marts 2013

Relaxing in Cebu

Had dinner onboard amazing with Juv, Kim and skipper yesterday. We took the dingy up on deck for repair, so we had no option to go inland.
But we had lots of food, drinks, and had a game of hearts in the evening. Perfect way to relax after another hot day.
The other crew, and a new guy, Lars, are arriving tomorrow, and we'll leave Cebu Wednesday morning.

Today I went with skipper and Chito around the city to pick up bits and pieces for repair and maintenance on Amazing.
Things take A LOT of time here, so patience is required.

fredag den 22. marts 2013


The paying crew went sightseeing today. Except me. I choose working on the generator (for filling the dive tanks) with Chito.

A long, hot day, but still fun and interesting. Visited a welder to have it fixed. Price 150 pesos... (11kr)

In the evening Chito almost made me taste a Philippine dish, ballot. But I chickend out.
A ballot is a chicken in an egg. It lives in the egg for 14 days, a week before it hatches. Then the egg is boiled, and you eat the little chicken with vinegar, salt and chili sauce. Looks so disgusting, but Chito loves it, apparently...
Maybe tomorrow :-)

torsdag den 21. marts 2013


From crystal clear water and fresh air to Cebu harbour with dirty water and a very bad smell.
But with all the benefits from a bigger city.

All the paying crew went to a seafood restaurant for dinner.
Interesting experience. :-)

tirsdag den 19. marts 2013

Sailing all day

Left Leyte early.
After a nice chilled night in the cockpit. Great not to sweat while sleeping, and actually have to cover up to keep warm.

Signe and Sophia have a great habit. They make thick pancakes for breakfast. Today with an extra chocolate pancake. Yummy!

We sailed with one of the big sails for a few hours, but the wind disappeared, so back to engine noise.

Chito loves being back to the Philippines. He hasn't had mobile connection to family and friends for 7 months. Torture for a teenager according to Chito... I can imagene.


Now anchoring at a mangrove island with no people.
Very hot here, so definitely sleeping in the cockpit!

Diving again

Went on the first scuba dive in the Philippines today.
Skipper told us to wear the little glasses coming from sharks, Mantarays and turtles. This dive was great though.
Beautiful coral, fishes and great visibility.
Water temperature: 28 degrees
Depth: 19 metres
Time: 40 minutes
We saw a sea snake, a big Murray eel, and lots of lion fish.
We left the great little town in Leyte. Think most of the crew thought we left the island, but we are just anchoring on the south end of the rather big island.

Most of the crew went to land after anchoring. I chose to stay onboard, and have a sundowner with skipper. And today the sun went down while drinking the first. :-)

mandag den 18. marts 2013

Ramus Nøhr

After a rough day and night, we have a great day today. Probably reaching the harbor in 24 hours. And soon we'll sail above a very deep part of the ocean.
The sun is shining, I just had a Saltwater shower, and now relaxing in my bed with Rasmus Nøhr singing in my ears. Pretty much the only album I can play in offline mode. Lunch is coming up. With Danish rye bread. Yummy.

Strong winds

At the moment Chito is steering. We're riding some strong winds off. It's raining, so I'm taking a timeout in bed.
Skipper is in the cockpit telling Chito which course to steer.

Now, 4 hours later, the winds are still strong. Signe are doing a very fine job fighting the waves. But we all hope for lighter winds tonight.
Kim and Sophia got a lot of water in their beds.
Skipper thinks some of the waves are between 4 and 5 meters high.
We going 7.2n/h at the moment, so calm sea near the Philippines is close.

Spanish mackerel

We had a pretty rough night. Peter and I felt out of bed at the same time this morning.
Most of the crew have felt a little seasick, but everyone have been taking their steering shifts.
My shifts are from 19:30 to 21:00 and from 7:30 to 9:00, meaning not to hot, and I get my sleep. (well in theory)
Chito caught a 10kg Spanish mackerel. Juv and I was cooking chili cin Carne tonight. Now, fresh fish is on the menu. Great!


Leyte, a great island to visit!
Like in Surigao, people here are extremely friendly. Smiling and greeting us. The people are very beautiful, and especially the kids are very cute and curious. And very funny.
A lot of kids turn up at Amazing. They a approaching very slow. Only when we ask them if they want candy, they approach.
Chito and I were served local snacks from people living in a little house by the beach. Seaweed and some salad.

We organised a whaleshark tour with local spotters/guides.
They took us on a three hour trip. We brought AMAZING. Dragging the spotters behind us.
A fantastic experience. We got a lot of time in the water with 3 different whalesharks. Got really close, and Kim got some very nice underwater video.

Now, we sailing towards Cebu. We have a few thing that needs to be fixed.
And we have still not cleared to the Philippines. No options yet.

Bye bye Palau

Skipper Kim checked Amazing and crew out from Palau at 10 in the morning. We had our last fresh water shower and said goodbye to some of the crew on Mie.

We had a few problems with the sail. Skipper discovered a few holes, but they are all fixed with tape, and hopefully it will last for the 500nm.

Chito is already fishing, and we hope to catch a fish for dinner.

We all steering. Doing 1.5 hour as first steerman, and then 1.5 hour as slave for the next steerman.

Bye bye Sony camera

We went on a wreck dive this morning. Another 2ww wreck.
An interesting dive, but at the bottom I checked my underwater camera. It was definitely under water... In the case. Bugger! Have no idea what went wrong. It was closed as always, but a lot of water was inside the housing.
Its drying in the sun now, but I'm not giving it much hope. Cameras and salt water are not the best friends... 

Now heading for Sams dive tours. We have to clear out of Palau, and prepare the crossing to the Philippines.

Sailing today has been in a very beautiful area, again.

At Sams we met the crew from a rather big Danish ship. A steelship from 1875 called Mie.
The skipper invited all the crew from amazing to dinner.
We brought some food and beers.

Virgin hole

Excellent chilled night in the cockpit.
Left for the divespot, virgin hole, at 6:30.
Max Depth: 30 meters
Time: 36 minutes
Peter got low on air, so we surfaced a little earlier.
We went down through a hole and sank down to 25 meters. Great sight. At the bottom of the cave we had to dive out. Very little light, but the exit was slightly visible.
Turtles, sharks was on the menu again.

My second dive was at the German channel.
We saw Mantaray in open water. And lots of other divers. But Kim is very experienced, and took us away from the herds of dives, and we still saw sharks, Mantarays and huge schools of fish.
Peter managed to loose his weight belt when climbing into the dingy. Skipper wasn't happy :-)

In the evening skipper, Kim, Chito and I played hearts for hours. Chito even found chilled beers. (we're out of rum)

Friendly wrasse

Woke up at 6:15 in the cockpit. Skipper wanted to get to the dive spot " Blue Corner" before the charter dive boats.

Meaning first dive was at 7 in the morning.
Depth: 21m
Time: 44 minutes

We saw three turtles, lots of reef- whitetip sharks, and met a very friendly Humphead Napoleon Wrasse. It was following us for at least 5 minutes, and we were able to pet it. 
At the reef edge we were using a reef-hook to hook up to the reef. Means hanging  in a line, and not using energy "fighting" the current. Once you find your balance, it's a great way to take a rest, and hang in a perfect shark spotting area.

A world famous dive spot with so much to see.

Second dive: blue holes
The usual. :-)
We went down to 25 meters through a blue hole from shallow water. Cool experience. Time: 45 minutes.
Peter, Sophia and Signe had to do their deep dive with a math test at 32 meters.
They were interrupted several times with another friendly wrasse. He was swimming really close to the "students". They were all able to pet him. Apparently the fish likes the reflection in the diving mask.

In the afternoon I went snorkeling with Kim L. Just under amazing a Spotted Eagleray cruised under us. Very lucky.

Early start

The ship wakes up at 7 every morning. Signe and I was sleeping in the cockpit, so we have one choice: get up. We leave steely early to get to the diving spots before the big diving companies arrive.
I chose snorkling this morning, and saw lots of giant mussels. They are huge!
Sailing in this area means Kodak moments all the time.
Just before lunch everyone, except Juv and Chito, went on a dive.
We saw a turtle, and I saw a shark as well. Depth 20 meters, time 41 minutes.

Just before dinner Kim*2, Sophia and I went on a dive at German channel. A famous diving spot known for great diving, especially with Mantarays. We didn't see any today - maybe tomorrow.
After last dive Chito always ask the absolute favorite question: "rum and coke"?
We have ice and lime onboard, so imagine a pleasant late afternoon temperature along with a cold "sundowner". 100% amazing!

Amazing dive, German channel

I was considering skipping the first dive this morning. Glad I didn't.
An absolutely amazing dive. We saw giant Mantaray passing us within centimeters. A big octopus on the reef. While we were busy looking at a Mantaray a rare leopard/zeebra cruised by.
And of cause, hundreds of colorful fishes.
Depth: 18 meters, time: 42 minutes, body: skipper Kim.

Second dive: Ngedebus Corner
Depth: 22 meters
Time: 48 minutes
We saw a turtle, sharks, lots of fish, and we saw a "blue hole".

Third dive I was on the boat relaxing, and waiting for my rum and coke :-)

Highlight of the evening: I won my first game of hearts.

lørdag den 16. marts 2013

Second wreck dive

Long hot night....
I was sleeping on the floor. A little colder there.
Left Sam's tours at 7am, and headed for the forest first dive spot. Another 2WW wreck (Japanese war ship). 2* Kim, Juv, Sophia and I went on the dive. Depth 28 meters, and around 42 min.
A very exciting dive. We did a bit of penetration. Kim was in front leading us through some quite narrow passages. Exciting, and a little scary. At the end of the passage we entered a room through a door. Sophia's Kim, my body, was supposed to be last, but he didn't show up in the door. He had "escaped" from the passage, and gone above it. But I didn't know, so we were all a little nervous for a minute. He had no problems though. He excited the passage cause the visibility was very poor when going last.
But an amazing dive with lots of interesting things to see.
Photo: sake containers and bottles

In the afternoon we went to another amazing place. Jellyfish lake. A lake with millions of jellyfish. They don't sting, so we were swimming in heards of them. Very cool experience.

In the evening we saw the movie Kontiki in the cockpit. Great movie, and a great place to watch it.

My first dive in Palau

Slept in the cockpit tonight. Only wearing boxershorts, no blanket. The temperature was so much better than in the salon downstairs.
I joined the first dive today with Kim, Kim and Sophia. Spot: Ulong channel. A driftdive.
An amazing dive. Within 5 minutes we had seen 5 sharks. We saw a few turtles, one within a metre from us. Hundreds of colorfull fish and beautiful coral.
After our dive everyone, except skipper and Juv went to a beach. We went for a little walk, opened coconuts, and relaxed. Only birds and rats living on the island. Lots of rats!
Afterwards we went back to Pinchers lagoon. A paradise like lagoon surrounded by rock islands.
Signe and Peter had to do some training for their diver certificate. The rest of us went snorkeling.
Back on the ship Chico served a rum and coke for sundowner. Nice...

Photo: skipper Kim and Juv.
And a map of the divespots.


We arrived at Surigao late afternoon.
Saturday, so not not possible to check in to the Philippines. By law we have to stay on board the ship, but everyone, except Skipper, went in to land to have some food.
Surigao has no tourism, making us the only white people around.
We were very exciting for the locals. Kids was following us through the city, and everyone were smiling and saying hello. Great.
A man stopped me and asked if his wife could touch my skin :-)

We had a fantastic pizza close to the harbor. A lot of kids were selling nuts. Bob got out, and was handing out lollies.