mandag den 4. oktober 2010

Day 37

Will actually just ad a little to yesterday. I had a six bed room at the youth hostel. When I got there it looked like there was atleast two other guys staying in the room. At 21:30 the guy, only one, turned up. He was a massure for the German youth basketball team. He was going to massage the players and handle injuries in my room. It would last to way past midnight. Not exactly what I was planning :-)
Lucky he got a new room, and I had the whole room to myself.
Well, that's what i thought, cause at 01:00 a young man locked him self in to the room. All his stuff was "hidden" in a closet, but when removing the other guy I accidentally moved this guys duvet, sheet and blankets. Great. So I got out of bed, found my sleeping bag, and gave my stuff to him. No worries.
The basketball players were early birds, so no alarm clock needed.
Headed of at 8:15.
The weather was great. From midday I was wearing shorts and T- shirt.
I did 83 km today, but course of the early start there was plenty of time.
I tried to follow the Rhine, but the route wasn't that easy to follow today. So Garmin actually got the chance to decide a little today.
I was at Jan's place at 15:00
He was having lunch, so I also had a bit to east.
In the evening we went to a very big house where there was dancing.
I didn't dance, but a friend of Jan, Inga, made the evening a much more interesting.
Back home Jan cooked a great meal. Especially his homemade icecream with chilly and lots of chocolate was lovely. I made quit a few requests in France. One of them was accepted, so I'll follow the Rhine on the French side tomorrow.
The weather forecast is perfect. Up to 27 degrees, and sun all day.

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