Got to bed at 2am, so slept until 9:15. Think that's the latest I have slept to on this trip.
The mail arrived at around 10, but no visa card. Leif went with me to the post office to check if the letter was there, no luck.
I already had a couch in Westhofen, so I left Mainz at around 12:00
On my way to Westhofen I tried to remember which day it was. I couldn't, but it doesn't really matter :)
My mom has asked for more details about the nature I see on my way. Well, there its plenty of vineyards. They are pretty, but also a bit monotone, and too much when there is bird scaring sirenes and canons. But the grapes are great. They are picking some of them at the moment. The bike tracks often run straight through the vineyards.
I got to the Rohleder family in Westhofen at 16:30.
Wolfgang, Michaela, and their two suns Poul, Martin welcomed me.
Michaela have her own nature medicine clinic. She also do meditape, so within half an hour after arriving both my knees was covered with yellow tape. :-)
Had a great dinner with the family, and I'm staying an extra day. Wolfgang served quite a few beers from his "tap beer system". Good stuff, and another thing to my " things I didn't know I needed" list.
The boys borrowed my phone and had a bit of fun with the games. There is probably also a few kids back home in Solfang who miss my phone - and me of course ;-) Tomorrow I'll go for a bikeride in the areas around Westhofen.
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