fredag den 7. marts 2014

Diron trip, Day one

Diron picked me up at the guesthouse at 9am.
We headed north. I was looking forward to get out of the city, and see some countryside. Nature, or just something different from Negombo.
I didn't expect to wait hours. Houses, traffic and people everywhere; for at least 3 hours. Heaps to look at though.
Some people have told me not to use tuk tuks for long distances. Diron made me feel secure by showing me his bible located in front of the steering wheel. He kissed it as few times too, so I feel very safe.
I was a little too quick when judging Dirons English skills. He answers ALL my questions with yes or jaaah...
So I'm asking the same questions a few times.

We drove a lot today, but still time for sightseeing, temples and nice meals.

Have seen lots of monkeys today. There's even one in the palmtree next to me.

In the end we found lots of countryside and our guesthouse is located in a very nice area near Anuradhapura.
Tomorrow we're heading for Trincomalee on the East coast.

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