torsdag den 7. juli 2011

Towards Ireland, day 12

Distance: 104nm,

Getting up at 2am, just to get dressed in already wet rainwear, and watch a ship which is pretty much steering itself. (thanks to our wind steer)
Usually time for "Mads og Monopolet"
This night was different though. Lea served me a hot cup of tea, and went downstairs to rest afterwards.
She pointed out some ships ahead and behind us.
I was watching these lights for a long time. Some was definitely getting closer, and bigger. Some where moving away from us. One of them got bigger and bigger. I was just about to wake up Lea to ask for advise, when I realised. The big ship was not moving towards us. It wasn't moving at all. It was an oil rig, and I was passing it in a fine distance.

Today has been like a Danish summer. Rainshowers followed by sunshine. My rainwear went from soaked to dry to soaked. Luckily it's back to semi dry before my nightshift.

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