torsdag den 16. juni 2011

The Atlantic, day 7

Distance: 99nm

Another day with alot of sailing by engine. We have used half of our diesel on six days. And we still have approx 19 days left. Not the best start, but hopefully wind will come soon. We're heading north where winds often are blowing east. No panic yet, but unusual conditions on the Atlantic ocean.
We saw big fishes today, but none of them chose our bait.

There is plenty of time for reading, crosswords and relaxing during the day. Everyone finds their own pace, their own routines, their own favorite spots.

We turned the engine off for twenty minutes today. I tied my coffeemug to my fishing line, and lowered it down. We could see it for a loooong time. Afterwards we measured the length of the line (we stopped lowering when it disappeared). The line was 37 metres. Impressive! I'm taking very much care of my cool mug now. The only deepdive mug onboard. Well, I also have a diving rum glass I found while snorkling on Antigua.

Sadly, we see alot rubbish floating in the ocean everyday. Today we passed a rubberboot.
We pass huge seaweed clusters everyday.

Tor (5 year old) did a bit steering today. Tonny was helping.

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